
Hospitality Innovation Lab (HIL) is a startup specialize in building management solutions for hospitality businesses.

HIL aims to empower businesses to deliver exceptional guest experiences by elevating their staff training programs

NiteCapp is a beverage-first hospitality learning and management system built for Marriott International

My role was to define and design the product from ground up, and after 5 months, we successfully secured funding from our client! 🎉

Status Quo
Traditional Hospitality Training And Management Systems Are Outdated

Bartender training is inconsistent, unscalable, and costly cross 9000+ global locations for Marriott Hotels. In current process,
all information is presented in static, large chunks, making it difficult for staff to absorb and retain the material effectively
Bar 101 tutorial
Beverage program handbooks
The hospitality industry is currently experiencing a significant labor shortage and a high employee turnover rate of 75%. Employees feel undervalued and expendable due to insufficient investment in training and support, resulting in low motivation.

In response to these challenges, Marriott is reinforcing its ' A New Marriott - for All and by All ' vision by supporting innovation, enhancing training, and leveraging the ideas and passions of its employees, regardless of their job titles.

What we uncovered: insights to guide the design

We talked to 5 bartenders at various levels and 3 bar managers from different Marriott locations. Key findings include:

1   The culture of the workplace and the sense of belonging are what motivate and retain employees.
2   The current training process requires employees to have strong extrinsic motivation. They quickly lost interest when training felt daunting and tasked.

3   The current training is inconsistent. Different locations present the same material in various ways: some use slides, while others provide paper copies.

1   Presenting information in digestible chunks and pairing learning materials with context was crucial.
2   Gamifying the learning process can boost users' extrinsic motivation.
3  Retrieval practice tools like flashcards and quizzes are commonly used to enhance memory and retention

The Goals
How Might We ... ?

Based on our research, we summarized our goals, both user-centric and business-centric.
‍Streamline training to be consistent and scalable.
Enhance staff's product knowledge, reduce training program costs, and increase bar revenue.
Make training more engaging and inspire staff motivation.  
Encourage staff to strive for more and boost team morale .
Build a Robust Team Culture.   
Increase staff retention and strengthen Marriott's brand influence.

Brainstorm & Prioritization
Keep the cross-functional team on the same page

With our goals set, it's time to align the team on what an MVP could look like to secure funding from Marriott.
I facilitated a series of mapping exercises and brainstorming sessions to bring our cross-functional partners together for collaboration and prioritization of the MVP

Our solutions

How might we streamline training to be consistent and scalable
#1 Single learning platform for all

Training materials from multiple sources were cumbersome. NiteCapp condensed and streamlined all training into a single, one-stop platform.

I digitalized Marriott's product directory and training materials, enhancing its information hierarchy with progressive disclosure for more intuitive navigation and content discovery.‍

The Menu Specs
is the single source of truth for all menu items.

The Learning Section
aggregates all training materials across Marriott program

How might we streamline training to be consistent and scalable
#2 Transform into digestible pieces

Streamlining training with reusable templates featuring bite-sized, interactive narratives to ensure consistent service standards across different Marriott branches

Product knowledge is key to better service.
Repetition prevents "let me go check with the kitchen."

Flashcards allows staff to refresh their memory anytime, anywhere, including pre-shift and during their own time.

How might we better motivate training?
Sales driven learning + Gamification

Use real sales data and physical rewards to drive the extrinsic motivation of staffs to up-level their quality of service and upselling skills, driving up revenue.

How might we build a team culture and retain staff?
Team-centric onboarding and profile

Our research revels that employees were less likely to quit when working in a team that “felt like family.” We used team-centric labels along with a simple team profile that serves as an icebreaker for new employees.

Marriott's key value propositions for staff retention are global opportunities and brand influence. We emphasize these early in onboarding and through a brand catalog and profile to showcase employees' industry potential.

The Vision

We understand that staff training isn't a "set and done" process; building a culture and keeping staff motivated is a long-term endeavor.

Our vision is to create a robust bartender community and expand the social influence of the Marriott brand. While we couldn't prioritize these features in the MVP, these future explorations have helped us and Marriott envision a clear future and potential for the NiteCapp platform.

Beverage-focused user generated content allows bartenders to express their passion and 'show off' their skills.
Meanwhile highlights from Marriott's official accounts emphasize the global opportunities and the brand's influence

The Outcome
We successfully secured sponsorship from Marriott internal funds! 🎉

NiteCapp is currently in close beta with Marriott's new location in downtown LA.  Here are a few metrics that we are tracking to measure success: